What does it do?
The Local association operates in much the same fashion as does the national office, and its duties are as varied:
- It distributes supplies to the league.
- It processes league sanction applications.
- It maintains membership lists.
- It keeps account of all financial transactions.
- It measures and inspects lanes for USBC certification.
- It certifies delegates to the annual USBC Convention.
- It conducts an annual championships tournament.
- it maintains averages of all association members.
- It may rerate averages of association members.
- It holds an annual meeting of its council of delegates.
- It holds at least quarterly meetings of its board of directors.
- It conducts suspension and reinstatement hearings.
- It considers appeals on protests and complaints.
- It processes high score claims.
- It establishes its own awards program.
- It assists in the filing of any bond claim.
- It is the information center for league officers and managers of sanctioned tournaments.
- It provides assistance to owners and managers of bowling centers within its jurisdiction.
- It interfaces with the local WBA's, Youth, proprietors and other members of the local bowling "family."